TMS Community Survey 1. Does this current TMS schedule work for you? Yes No If no, how can we better support your practice? 2. I currently practice outside of class 1-3 times per week 4-7 times per week I don't practice outside of class 3. I currently have a practice/program that I follow Yes Yes, but I don't do it No If no, what is the limitation to having your own program to follow? 4. What content would you like to explore more of (pick your top 3)? Foundations (Strength, Mobility) Handstand Soft Acrobatics Floorwork Mid Level Locomotion Environments Practices (rail, wall, bar work) Movement Quality Movement Terminology Coordination Object Work Tactical Work Somatic Work | Meditation OTHER 5. What qualities of practice most intrigue you? Check all that apply: General preparatory (mobility, strength) Conditioning Moving better overall Aesthetics, looking better Chasing skills Artistry, craftsmanship, quality Community Health and longevity Elasticity/suppleness Attention, awareness, embodiment OTHER 6. Which of these topics would you like to learn more about? Nutrition & Lifestyle Anatomy & Physiology Stillness & Meditation Fluidity and flow inside of movement Building an individual approach to practice Movement and Nature, practice in the natural world Injury and pain management through Movement Holistic principles within a movement approach OTHER Is there anything else that you'd like to share that can better inform our process or your education, or practice in general? Thank you!